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Datamind Tech Solutions

Datamind Tech Solutions is a cutting-edge provider of IT solutions. With expertise in data analytics and AI, we deliver innovative services, ensuring our clients thrive in the digital landscape.

1+ Years Expert

Over 1 year of expertise at Datamind Tech Solutions.

2+ Years Together

User of Datamind Tech Solutions for over 2 years together.

What We Do

Our Services

Explore fantastic deals tailored for customers, delivering exceptional value and benefits through our dedicated and high-quality customer services.

Real Estate Software

Enhance real estate efficiency using our bespoke and off-the-shelf software solutions.

E-commerce Solutions

Unlock the full potential of online selling with our comprehensive e-commerce solutions.

Mobile App Development

Leverage mobile technology with our tailored mobile app development services.

Web Application Development

Developers craft scalable web applications to meet your unique business needs.

Nidhi Software

Datamind Tech Solutions optimizes Nidhi company operations with advanced software solutions.

Modify Software

Enhance software solutions with Datamind Tech for optimized business operations.

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Mobile No: +91 8181988111


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L.G.F-03 Aakriti Tower 19-B Vidhan Sabha Marg, Lucknow,India, Uttar Pradesh

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+91 81819 88111

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Our Products

Unlocking Innovation: Explore Datamind Tech Solutions' Range of Cutting-Edge Products, Tailored to Elevate Your Business in the Digital Landscape.